Talented Tuesdays: Jamie Broadnax

It's Talented Tuesday! Each week, For Nerdy Girls features a digital innovator who inspires colorful women around the world. These are individuals who should be celebrated on a global level, so we'll start by talking about these changemakers right here.

Name: Jamie Broadnax

Twitter: @JamieBroadnax

Website: flavors.me/jamiebroadnax

What she does: Jamie is a blogger and the creator of Black Girl Nerds, "a place for women of color with various eccentricities to express themselves freely and embrace who they are," "a wide array of diverse women who embrace all cultures and refuse to conform to the status quo."

Why she's inspiring: See above. She created Black Girl Nerds! How cool is that?

(That's a rhetorical question. Answer: the coolest.)

If you would like to nominate a digital innovator for Talented Tuesdays, please let us know in the comments, or email us at ForNerdyGirls [at] gmail [dot] com.


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