Talented Tuesdays: Brittani Nichols

It's Talented Tuesday! Each week, For Nerdy Girls features a digital innovator who inspires colorful women around the world. These are individuals who should be celebrated on a global level, so we'll start by talking about these changemakers right here.

Name: Brittani Nichols

Twitter: @BisHilarious

Website: brittaninichols.com

What she does: Brittani is a comedian, writer, actor, podcaster, and many other creative titles.

Why she's inspiring: Brittani created the web series Words with Girls, along with a TV pilot of the same name. Episode 5 of the web series (featured above) still makes me laugh and question why this funny is not on my TV.

As a "gender non-conforming black lesbian," Brittani also embodies intersectionality, particularly with her posts on Autostraddle, entertaining and educating as a QTPOC navigating multiple communities. Although her brilliant work has not been exalted as that of a mediocre, white man, its excellence still shines bright enough for her fans to appreciate.

If you would like to nominate a digital innovator for Talented Tuesdays, please let us know in the comments, or email us at ForNerdyGirls [at] gmail [dot] com.


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