Talented Tuesdays: Necole Kane

It's Talented Tuesday! Each week, For Nerdy Girls features a digital innovator who inspires colorful women around the world. These are individuals who should be celebrated on a global level, so we'll start by talking about these changemakers right here.

Name: Necole Kane

Twitter: @iamnecole

Website: iamnecole.com

What she does: Necole is the CEO of xoNecole, "a newly defined platform for women to share their personal stories, showcase their signature style, and speak their minds."

Why she's inspiring: Necole took a leap of faith and publicly rebranded herself and her company--from successful Necole Bitchie to uncharted xoNecole--in order to focus on positivity instead of negativity. Her transformed company now has a mission "to promote positive images of woman of color, as well as empower, educate, and inspire millennials through our beauty, fashion, lifestyle, career and travel features."

If you would like to nominate a digital innovator for Talented Tuesdays, please let us know in the comments, or email us at ForNerdyGirls [at] gmail [dot] com.


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