Talented Tuesdays: Lexi Alexander

It's Talented Tuesday! Each week, For Nerdy Girls features a digital innovator who inspires colorful women around the world. These are individuals who should be celebrated on a global level, so we'll start by talking about these changemakers right here.

Name: Lexi Alexander

Twitter: @Lexialex

Website: lexi-alexander.com

What she does: Lexi is a filmmaker.

Why she's inspiring: Lexi speaks out about issues of discrimination in the entertainment industry, particularly those concerning colorful women. Both online and IRL, she shares her own experiences of navigating Hollywood as one of the few working female directors and represents for the often misrepresented MENA (Middle Eastern/North African) community. Lexi functions as a Mockingjay for the media revolution that will be tweeted, not televised.

If you would like to nominate a digital innovator for Talented Tuesdays, please let us know in the comments, or email us at ForNerdyGirls [at] gmail [dot] com.


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