"NETWORKING STRATEGY SESSION? What do these words mean?"

Mahlena explains how and why YOU should SIGN UP for a 30-minute, complimentary, life-changing video chat, where we discuss how to find

😮 Clients!
😮 Job Referrals!
😮 Collaboration Opportunities!

Let's watch. 👀


Here are the 3 possible outcomes from your Networking Strategy Session:

💥 1. “Let’s work together!”
💥 2. “Here’s who you need to work with!”
💥 3. “Something else entirely!”


Did you watch the video?
Now let's get to work:

Let’s get together and start connecting.
Sign up for your 30-minute Networking Strategy Session with Mahlena (that's me! 💁🏾).

Email ForNerdyGirls@gmail.com to learn how to Connect, Communicate, and Collaborate with YOUR PEOPLE.


Follow For Nerdy Girls!💁🏾

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/fornerdygirls/

website: http://fornerdygirls.com/

email: ForNerdyGirls@gmail.com



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