

“Head of Middle School Drama.”

“Sounds like the same title you had in seventh grade.”

Tucked into the king size bed in their hotel suite, Jean laughed into Truly's shoulder. “You didn't even know me in seventh grade.”

“Can you see yourself in the position?”

“I couldn't see myself in the position I was just in before you put me there, but we made it work.”

Truly snorted, “I wanted to try something new! But I don't want to twist you into a pretzel just to please me.”

Jean placed his palms behind his head as he stared at the vaulted ceiling. “The principal created the position with me in mind. Literally, she included videos of me teaching in her presentation as examples of methods she wanted me to bring to the school. A promotion with twice the salary–”

“And twice the responsibilities?” Truly mused from her side of the warm sheets.

Jean thought for a moment. “When I asked about the workload, the principal told me that half the company spouses, though educated on par with their partners, don't even have a part-time job. They fill their time with children and charities to stave off the boredom.”

“How does she know–”

“Most of the children, and grandchildren, of the company have matriculated through her school. So she has seen the dead eyes.”

“Huh.” Truly and her husband lay in contemplative silence.

Jean held his wife's hand. “But she assured me that the spouses who did work did so happily, with no bother to the company.”

“No bother?”

“And she promised, vowed, that I would not have the opportunity to be bored.”


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