

This was not the first time Jean had been involved in Truly’s interview process, but it was the first time Jean thought it mattered.

While round two began for Truly with a brunch with her future coworkers, Jean also attended a brunch with his future… friends? Peers? Obligatory associates? It was hosted by the company’s Booster Club, an official organization of the most motivated spouses of the employees, who were attempting to wine and dine Truly’s husband at a local, off-campus restaurant.

Seated on his right at the round table, Bradford Whitley, whose wife Kinney had recently joined the company, kept Jean grounded between the fruit plate and the bruschetta quiche.  

“This is a lot, isn’t it?” Brad smiled at Jean, who could nod in reply. “The whole, ‘We’re one big family,’ mantra takes some getting used to, but it is true, for better or worse.”

“Or worse?” Jean repeated, to the amusement of Brad the other four partners at the table.   

“Trust me, chum, I have been in your shoes, and the shoes I have now,” Brad waggled his foot in Jean’s direction, “are better.”


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