Where's My Movie?: Maya Angelou

It's Where's My Movie? Monday! Each month, For Nerdy Girls features an inspirational individual who has changed the world but, for some reason, does not have her own biopic. These women are amazing human beings who should be commemorated as historical game changers in textbooks and statues and monuments. For now, we will discuss them on this internet blog.

(For comparison, Steve Jobs has been portrayed in 11 documentaries, four feature films, and one theatrical production. He created a company that sells phones.)

Name: Dr. Maya Angelou

Twitter: @DrMayaAngelou

Website: mayaangelou.com

What she did: Maya Angelou was an author, composer, dancer, director, journalist, orator, singer, celebrated poet, memoirist, educator, dramatist, producer, actress, historian, filmmaker, and civil rights activist.

Why she needs a movie: Maya Angelou was and is an inspiration. The recipient of over 50 honorary doctorate degrees, along with the National Medal of Arts and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Dr. Angelou shared her teachings throughout the world in her writings, her performance art, and her official classes at both the University of Ghana and Wake Forest University. Her lived messages of education, freedom, hope, peace, perseverance, triumph, and unity continue to touch her students across cultures, countries, and decades.

Coming to a theater near you: Get, Give, Learn, Teach: Dr. Maya Angelou: The College Years

If you would like to nominate a notable lady for Where's My Movie?, please let us know in the comments, or email us at ForNerdyGirls [at] gmail [dot] com.


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